
About the Post-Keynesian Economics Society

The Post-Keynesian Economics Society supports and promotes research and encourages collaboration in the field of post-Keynesian economics. Our activities include an Annual Workshop, panels at conferences of friendly learned societies and thematic conferences and lectures as well as Introductory Workshops and a PhD conference. We maintain an active members’ mailing list and Working Paper series.

Membership entitles individuals to submit working papers, post on the mailing list and to online access to the Review of Keynesian Economics (ROKE).

While most of our physical activities (e.g. workshops) take place in the UK and most committee members are UK-based, our membership is international and open to scholars in all countries. Our online activities, such as working papers and the mailing list, reach an international audience and play an important role in disseminating information in the international PK network. A key aim of PKES is to strengthen international PK networks.

PKES has an elected Committee and is represented by its Chair. The constitution of PKES can be downloaded here.

PKES was founded in 1988 by Philip Arestis and Victoria Chick as the Post Keynesian Study Group (PKSG) supported by the UK Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC). PKSG held many seminars, workshops and conferences, from which it published several volumes of papers. PKSG became a formal membership association in 2008 and has since expanded its range of activities and established a website.

In 2017 PKSG changed its name to the Post-Keynesian Economics Society (PKES). In 2023, PKES became a Charitable Incorporated Organisation with charity number 1205314.