The annual subscription for 2025 is £25.00, reduced to £10.00 for student or emeritus members. For applications during the year, the subscription is reduced by 20% for each elapsed quarter. Members are usually affiliated with a university or other relevant institution and either hold or are registered students for a research degree in economics.
By submitting an application and making payment, you agree to the publication of the details set out below to other members of the association and to receiving electronic mailings from the association and from other members, including by JISCmail. You also agree to receiving all notices from the association by electronic mail. The association will not sell or exchange your details.
If you do not wish the fact of your membership and details of your publications and affiliation to appear on the public pages of the association's website, please untick the relevant box in the form.
Required fields are in bold type. Other fields are optional.
If you encounter problems completing this form, please contact the membership secretary at