Old Royal Naval College, Park Row, London SE10 9LS, United Kingdom
May 12, 2023 10 a.m. – 6 p.m.
The Post-Keynesian Economics Society (PKES) and the Young Scholar Initiative (YSI) Keynesian Economics Working Group in collaboration with the Institute for Political Economy, Governance, Finance and Accountability (PEGFA) at the University of Greenwich, is organising its 14th annual PhD student conference on the 12th of May 2023, 10:00-18:00 BST. The conference will be held in person at the University of Greenwich, London. The conference gives students the opportunity to present a chapter of their PhD dissertation and receive detailed and structured feedback from a senior researcher from PKES in a friendly environment.
We invite applications from students who are in a later stage of their PhD and who work on topics relevant to Post-Keynesian and heterodox economics more broadly. Amongst others, this includes topics such as inequality and stagnation, the ecological crisis, structural dependencies in the Global South, the care economy and financialisation. Submissions should qualify as a novel contribution to the literature and be at the stage of pre-publication. We usually do not consider dissertation proposals, literature reviews, or papers based on a master’s dissertations.
We actively encourage submissions from people who are underrepresented in economics research. This includes – but is not limited to – individuals who identify as women, black or ethnic minority, those with disabilities, or members of the LGBTQ+ community. Should we receive more applications than we can accommodate, these students will be given priority.
Please submit your working paper and a cover letter of up to 300 words describing your research interest and how your dissertation topic relates to heterodox economics via this form. We accept applications on a rolling basis and aim to inform applicants whether they are accepted as soon as possible. Please keep in mind that the final deadline for submissions to present at the conference is the 2nd of April. We will inform you about acceptance at the latest by the 11th of April 2023 and assign reviewers to you. (You will be able to submit an updated version of your paper at this point). To further debate and discussion, successful applicants will be assigned a paper from a fellow presenter to provide feedback on during the conference.
Mark Hayes Prize <deadline expired>
Students can also submit their work to be considered for the Mark Hayes Prize. The prize will be awarded to an outstanding paper presented at the PhD conference that furthers the advancement of Post-Keynesian and heterodox economics. The prize is named after Mark Hayes (1956-2019), an exemplary Keynes scholar and former Secretary of PKES. The prize winner will receive a £200 and will be announced at the end of the conference. If you would like your submission to be considered for the Mark Hayes prize, you must submit your paper via the form in advance of the general deadline by the 26th of February. The prize selection committee consists of PKES committee members.
Funding and stipends
There is no participation fee for the conference. Lunch and refreshments will be provided thanks to generous funding by YSI. The conference will include a social dinner, sponsored by YSI, to give the opportunity to young scholars to come together in person, build their network and get involved with the heterodox economics community and YSI.
In addition, YSI will offer partial accommodation and travel stipends to selected young scholars who will present at the conference. This includes travel from Europe as well as the Global South. Scholarships are limited, and aimed at students who cannot obtain (sufficient) funding from their university or other academic funding sources. Travel via plane should be avoided if possible. We are also not able to reimburse taxis or rented cars. Please indicate in your cover letter should you wish to be considered for this, and explain that you have exhausted funding from your university. Provided applicants are eligible, scholarships will be allocated on a first-come first-served basis.
Please don’t hesitate to contact the organisers via pkes.phd.conference@gmail.com should you have any questions. Event updates will be published on this website.
The link to the application form can be found here: https://forms.gle/XQfft4pLeFqUPcyw6.
Please also see information on the YSI website here.
Dr Alexander Guschanski (PEGFA & University of Greenwich)
Dr Annina Kaltenbrunner (Leeds University Business School)
Thomas Rabensteiner (PEGFA & University of Greenwich)
Ines Heck (PEGFA & University of Greenwich)
Jimena Castillo (Leeds University Business School)
Andreas Maschke (Leeds University Business School)
Benjamin Tippet (PEGFA & University of Greenwich)
Brian Cepparulo (PEGFA & University of Greenwich)
Ali Berk Kokbudak (PEGFA & University of Greenwich)
Stuart Leitch (PEGFA & University of Greenwich)
Merle French-Jamieson (PEGFA & University of Greenwich)
Hannah Hasenberger (University of Hertfordshire)