
APKA/PKES webinars on Post-Keynesian economics and developing countries

April 22, 2021 –May 27, 2021

A series of webinars exploring financial dynamics and productive structures in developing countries and the relationships between Latin American structuralists and Post Keynesian economics. Each webinar had two speakers, one based in Argentina and one based in Europe.

The Global Financial Crisis of 2008 and the COVID pandemic that erupted in 2020 have reinforced criticisms of orthodox economic theory and highlighted the need for alternative approaches such as Post-Keynesian Economics.

The Post-Keynesian Economics Society fosters research and dissemination within the framework of PKE and is committed to strengthening and internationalising heterodox economics networks. We convened a series of webinars with Argentinean PK scholars, with the aim of contributing to the launching of the Argentinean Post-Keynesian Association (APKA).  

APKA’s objective is to develop a network between economists and other scholars with similar interests, perspectives and approaches, in order to support and disseminate research linked to PKE. We recognize the diverse heterodox traditions of Argentine and more broadly Latin American schools of economic thought with strong links with PKE. Therefore, the APKA extends the invitation to scholars of other traditions such as Structuralism, evolutionism, classical-Sraffianism, institutionalism, regulation theory, feminist economics and ecological economics. 


Thursday 22/4, 12 noon Argentina = 4pm UK

Financial dynamics in developing countries

Chair: Engelbert Stockhammer (King's College London, UK)

Pablo Bortz (UNSAM, Argentina): "Global financial flows in Kaleckian models of growth and distribution"

Annina Kaltenbrunner (Leeds, UK): "International financial subordination: a critical research agenda"



Thursday 6/5, 1pm Argentina = 5pm UK 

PKE, productive structure and economic development

Chair: Pablo Bortz (UNSAM, Argentina)

Martín Abeles (UNSAM, Argentina): "Covid-19’s economic impact in South America from a structuralist-Keynesian perspective"

Sara Stevano (SOAS University of London, UK): "Production and social reproduction in a peripheral economy" 



Thursday 27/5, 1pm Argentina = 5pm UK

PKE and other heterodox traditions in Latin America

Chair: Florencia Medici (CONICET and National University of Moreno, Argentina)

Danielle Guizzo (University of Bristol, UK): "From periphery to core? A history of Post-Keynesian economics in Brazil" 

Matías Vernengo (Bucknell University): "Beyond the vulgar economy: Maria da Conceição Tavares and the heterodox economy"


Organising committee

Pablo Bortz, Florencia Medici, Engelbert Stockhammer