
10th Annual PhD Conference

Goldsmiths, University of London

University of London, SE14 6NW
Room: 326 Professor Stuart Hall Building
May 30, 2018 9 a.m. – 6 p.m.


The Post Keynesian Economics Society (PKES) The 10th Annual PKES PhD Student Conference takes place on 30 May at Goldsmiths. Papers will be presented by PhD students in their second and third year who are currently enrolled in a PhD programme, and are working on topics relevant to Post Keynesian economics and political economy. The aim is to give an opportunity to students to present a draft paper out of their PhD dissertation and receive feedback from senior researchers, as well as other students.

See the programme PDF for more details. 


For any queries please write to 

Organising committee

Dr Giorgos Galanis, Goldsmiths, University of London

Dr Isabella Weber, Goldsmiths, University of London

Prof. Ozlem Onaran, University of Greenwich

Prof. Gary Dymski, Leeds University

Dr Christina Wolf, Kingston University

Achilleas Mantes, PhD Student, University of Greenwich

Karsten Kohler, PhD Student, Kingston University

Giorgos Gouzoulis, PhD Student, Kingston University

Collin Constantine, PhD Student, Kingston University